First Aid
It is important for all workplaces to have a first aid kit which is a collection of first aid items you would need in case of an accident. We offer a comprehensive range of first aid kits to suit your needs. Including a wide range of HSE Compliant Kits and BS8599-1 Compliant Workplace First Aid Kits that comply and exceed HSE recommended contents and comply with the latest British Standards.

Extensive range of first aid kits including our best selling HSE and BS8599-1 compliant first aid kits

Convenient and secure storage for first aid supplies, ready for emergency situations

A comprehensive range of first aid plasters at a variety of price points

A range of dressings to fulfil the statutory requirement for compliant first aid kits

First aid essentials for the emergency treatment of eye injuries to reduce damage caused by accidents

Ideal for providing dressing retention and supporting injured limbs

A full range of wipes for wound cleansing and hard surface cleaning

Ideal for assisting in a wide range of everyday medical applications

Hot and cold therapy is an effective treatment for a range of minor muscular injuries

Microporous tapes, plastic strappings and zinc oxide tapes in a variety of sizes

Extensive range of resuscitation products suitable for first response and casualty handling

Having a life-saving defibrillator on site is essential for ensuring that quick action is taken in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA)

Ensure essential first aid supplies can be easily located