First Aid Kits
Cost effective first aid kits which offer basic compliance with HSE first aid guidelines
BS8599-1 kits contain the required contents of a Workplace First Aid Kit
All organisations are strongly encouraged to include PAcT kits in official guidance
First aid kits for lone workers, first aiders and for use around the home
Our new innovative range of glow in the dark first aid kits and stations!
Our classic first aid kits accompanied with a new talking first aid guide!
HSE recommended first aid content for employees working off-site
A range of first aid kits to comply with various vehicle legislation
First aid kits for burns, scalds and sunburn ensure you workplace is prepared
Offer general first aid supplies for the home
Food hygiene first aid kits with blue contents ideal for catering environments
- Gloves - Very important for first aid kits and necessary to carry out hygienic first aid. Most of our kits have individually wrapped gloves that are well-fitted allowing for a good grip whilst providing first aid.
- Wipes - Can be used to clean both the wound and first aider’s hand and should always be among your first aid kit.
- Dressings - For wounds ranging from minor cuts and scrapes to larger more serious injuries you will need a variety of dressings in your first aid kit.
- Plasters - All of our kits include hypoallergenic plasters, an absolute first aid essential.