Defibrillator Cabinets & Accessories
AED cabinets provide a recognisable central location where the defibrillator is to be kept whilst not in use, they allow defibrillators to remain fully visible and accessible for a responder to obtain quickly in the event of an emergency. Defibrillators tend to be installed inside a building; however for many applications such as work sites and public access community areas, we offer a Public Access Defibrillator Cabinet designed for outdoor installation of your defibrillator.

Wall mounted Emergency Defibrillator cabinet with clear fronted window. Battery operated alarm deters mis-use of defibrillator.

- Built to cope with the changing British climate
- Easy to install with no electrician required, can be plugged into a regular outlet

Stay compliant with guidance by implementing a routine AED maintenance procedure. Track battery and defibrillator pad expiry dates

Quick and easy way to record defibrillator maintenance checks. Simple, write-on inspection tags to ensure checks are clearly recorded.

Ensure your essential AED supplies are easily identifiable and stored neatly. Durable water-resistant box with strong clip closure to protect the contents.

Introduce simple defibrillator checks. Track battery and defibrillator pad expiry dates.

Ensure your AED defibrillator can be easily located in an emergency. Clear step by step instructions guide the user on how to perform CPR and use the AED

Contains the basic items required for an AED emergency. Supplied in a black pouch bag clearly labelled with "AED Prep Kit"

Sturdy metal bracket is ideal for mounting any AED on a wall. Recognisable green design helps create a visually striking focal point